The Ultimate Puppy Feeding Guide

Ensuring that your puppy gets enough of the right kind of nutrition is key to their growth and development, as well as preventing health issues in later life. To give your four-legged friends exactly what they need, consider investing in high-quality puppy food that contains protein, minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients. 

A balanced diet will help them become active and keep them healthy and full of energy, and it can also prevent fussy eating habits later in life. So for a more satisfied canine now and in the future, make sure you are meeting their nutritional needs early on with CDK9's raw puppy feeding guide.

In this blog post, we will cover the importance of what and how much to feed your puppy in their growing stages so you don’t have to worry about their nutrition as they grow. 

How to Determine How Much to Feed Your Puppy

While puppies need high-quality nutrition to encourage their physical and mental development, over-feeding them can lead to obesity and other health issues. To make sure you give your pup the proper nutrition they need, there are some helpful tips you should consider.  

First, consider your puppy's breed, size, and age as this will help you determine which type of food is most suitable for them.  

Secondly, when introducing a new diet for the first time, always follow the manufacturer's guidelines, as these are specifically formulated for each product.  

Lastly, remember that it is important not to overfeed your puppy as this can lead to unwanted behaviour, such as begging for extra food at the table or rapid weight gain. 

If you need extra help determining how much to feed your pup, consider using our raw dog food calculator if you have committed to a natural diet for your pup or consult a vet who can provide tailored recommendations based on your pup's unique needs.   

What Raw Dog Food Can Your Puppy Eat?

Puppies need a diet rich in nutrients and protein to grow healthy and strong, which is why they can benefit from raw food options. Raw meat, bones, fruits and vegetables provide the necessary vitamins and minerals that puppies need. This includes calcium, protein, Vitamins A and C, phosphorus, fatty acids, iron and magnesium. It’s important to make sure that these raw foods are properly sourced to ensure quality nutrition for your pup. This is where CDK9 comes in. We offer packages for pups as young as 4 months old. 

In addition, raw fats such as fresh fish oil can help provide key nutrients for puppy growth and development. With different types of raw foods that offer essential vitamins and minerals needed by puppies at every life stage, raw food diets have become an increasingly popular choice among pet owners looking for optimal nutrition for their furry friends. There is no better way to ensure your pup receives all the goodness they need than with a tailored raw food option designed just for them!

What to Avoid Feeding Your Puppy

To keep your pup healthy and safe, it is important to avoid certain kinds of food. Cooked bones from meat, fish, and poultry are never a good option since they can splinter and cause choking or puncture the digestive tract. 

Chocolate, caffeine, and other foods containing theobromine should also be avoided, as these can be toxic and even fatal for your pup. Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in some dogs, so steer clear of these as well. 

Finally, processed human foods like popcorn, chips, candy bars, and pasta with garlic or onion powder are not good options as they have no nutritional value for puppies. Investing in quality food for pets that not only meets your puppy's nutritional needs but also tastes good will help you keep them healthy while ensuring that meal times stay enjoyable for them.

To learn more about incorporating a raw food diet for your canines, check out our blog page.

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