A Guide to Dog Skin Allergies & How to Prevent Them

Eating the wrong food can have serious consequences for a dog, especially if its body experiences an allergy. This is common for canines, with foods such as dairy and wheat causing swelling, rashes and digestive issues.  

Dogs suffering from food allergies experience uncomfortable reactions to certain ingredients like wheat, dairy and processed kibble. These reactions can manifest in rashes, itching, vomiting, seizures, flatulence and other debilitating symptoms that can cause distress for both pets and owners alike. 

Fortunately, allergen-free raw dog food options are now available on the market, and have been specially adapted for this purpose. By paying close attention to dietary habits, owners can ensure their beloved pup enjoys long-term health and comfort.

At CDK9, we have developed specialised raw food for dog skin allergies to address this challenging health issue. With a careful selection of ingredients that minimise the risk of harmful allergic reactions, plus added vegetables and fruits to support overall health, you can keep your canine companion feeling good every day!

Common dog skin symptoms include:

  •  Itching
  •  Rubbing or licking in a specific area
  •  Inflammation & redness of the skin
  • Increased eye discharge
  • Skin lesions or infections

Keeping an eye on your pet when they are eating or playing in new areas is a great way to find out what their triggers are. Let’s take a look at what the most common allergy causes are for canines. 

Common Allergy Triggers

Many dogs suffer from food allergies, with common triggers being wheat, corn and soy. Symptoms such as skin rashes and digestive issues can disrupt an otherwise healthy pup and diminish the quality of life for your furry friend. In addition to that, there are also: 

Environmental Allergens

While many of us may be familiar with the more obvious pollutants, like car exhaust and harmful chemicals, dog owners must also be aware of allergies caused by everyday items in their pets’' environment. 

Carpeting, wood dust, pollen, grasses and moulds can all act as irritants that can cause skin itching and irritation. It's vital to create an environment that is not allergen-inducing for our pets to ensure optimal health. If you notice your pup displaying symptoms of allergy discomfort this season, speak with your vet about treatment options to improve their quality of life! 

Parasites or Ticks

Keeping your dog healthy and pest-free is essential to their health and well-being, and taking preventive measures to protect them from parasites and ticks is an important step. Ticks can transmit various diseases that can cause illness in your pet, while parasites are known to bring a host of medical problems, like anaemia and digestive issues. 

Fortunately, there are treatments available to help guard your precious pooch against these harmful creatures. Regular grooming habits, the consistent use of flea and tick medication, as well as examining the animal for any signs of infestation at least once per month will further protect them from infestation. It's essential that you take proactive measures to keep your four-legged friend in top condition so it can enjoy its full life with you.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is an itchy skin condition caused by a dog’s reaction to direct contact with certain irritants. Common examples of these irritants include synthetic textiles or shampoos, cleaning products and gardens, among others. While this condition can be uncomfortable for your pet, with proper care, it can be managed. 

The best way to address contact dermatitis is prevention! Keeping track of what your dog comes into contact with can help you spot potential problems before they occur and save you stress later on. However, when dealing with existing flare-ups, keep your pet’s skin clean and use specialised creams or shampoos. This can do wonders for providing quick relief, reducing inflammation and supporting healing. 

How to Prevent Skin Allergies

Keeping your dog's skin healthy and free from allergies often starts with maintaining their gut health. A healthy microbiome in the gut of your dog can help provide the essential balance the immune system needs to combat skin allergies. Providing a high-quality diet filled with omega fatty acids, vitamins and minerals can provide the building blocks for a healthy microbiome. 

Additionally, good skin hygiene is key to preventing skin allergies in dogs. Regularly brushing your dog helps to prevent dead fur and dander build-up that can lead to irritation and inflammation of the skin. From grooming routines to regular baths using natural and soothing products, good hygiene practices should be implemented for all breeds of dogs regardless of their coat type or living environment. 

How a Raw Food Diet Helps With Skin Allergies

A raw food diet may be the solution!. Offal (animal innards), paired with fruits and vegetables, provide easy-to-digest proteins while avoiding any processed fillers or byproducts. This type of diet has even been shown to reduce itchy skin and is a great way to provide essential minerals and nutrients that processed foods lack. If your dog struggles with allergies, try switching them to a weekly raw food package — it could make a huge difference in their overall health!

At CDK9, we know that a balanced diet is an integral part of keeping your dog happy and healthy. With our raw food packages, you can ensure that your pup gets all the nutrition they need without having to worry about additives and other poor-quality ingredients. 

Our packages are conveniently formulated to provide balanced nutrition for up to one month's worth of meals, so you no longer have to compromise on quality for convenience. 

Subscribe to one of our raw food packages today, and you can be confident that your pup is getting all the nourishment they need for optimal health.

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